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In the presence of the Academic Senate and the Board of Governors, Rector Donatella Sciuto presented the Emeritus or Honorary Professor appointment decrees to those awarded in 2023. This is the highest national and international academic rank, the final recognition of a scientific and university career of distinct and [...]
L’Intelligenza artificiale sta rivoluzionando il nostro modo di vivere. Grazie a essa stiamo cambiando il modo di fare le cose nella nostra quotidianità, nella veste di consumatori, imprenditori, lavoratori, investitori, studenti. Insomma, come cittadini tout court. Siamo nel bel mezzo di un ciclone di innovazione [...]
During the Financial Engineering course A.Y. 2022/2023 held by Professor Roberto Baviera, the fourth edition of the ‘Best Pitch’ contest was organized. In this framework, students had the opportunity to present their Final Projects employing a tool that is increasingly prevalent in the financial industry: “the Pitch”. [...]
The GADeS 2023 prize was awarded by the AIMETA group of the same name (AIMETA Dynamics and Stability Group) to Davide Riccobeli for the best doctoral thesis on dynamics and stability topics with the following motivation: “in recognition of the outstanding contribution in the mathematical modeling of soft and active bodies and [...]
The aim of "Numbers and Stories" ( is to survey and discuss new directions in climate change research, with an interdisciplinary approach. The theme of the workshop revolves around the use of qualitative and quantitative methods in climate [...]
The second meeting of the project ``Securing safe drinking water distribution'' SafeCREW (, funded by the European Union within the Horizon Europe program, took place in Milan on 10, 11 and 12th May. SafeCREW aims to develop tools and guidelines for disinfected and non-disinfected drinking [...]