The Third Conference of the Statistics and Data Science Group of the Italian Statistical Society will take place in Milan on April 2-3, 2025 ( The conference is jointly organized by the Department of Mathematics of the Politecnico di Milano and the Department of Economics, Management, and [...]
On December 16th, 2024 Michele Fantechi (XXXVII cycle) successfully defended his PhD dissertation, earning a PhD degree in Mathematical Models and Methods in Engineering. Congratulations! Title of the PhD Thesis: Effective Models for Quantum Systems Interacting with Quasi-Classical Reservoirs Advisors: prof. Michele Correggi [...]
Il progetto di Francesco Regazzoni intitolato “SYNERGIZE: Synergizing Numerical Methods and Machine Learning for a new generation of computational models” è stato ammesso al finanziamento nella linea Starting Grant del programma FIS (Fondo Italiano per la Scienza). Il progetto SYNERGIZE ha ricevuto un [...]
From March 10th to June 6th 2025, the Department of Mathematics will host the Intensive Period Quantum Mathematics @ Polimi. The Intensive Period will have a broad focus on the mathematical methods for few- and many-body quantum systems, topological phases of matter, spectral and operator theory. The program will start with [...]
Martedì 3 dicembre alle ore 17 si è tenuta l’inaugurazione della mostra “Women of Mathematics from around the world”. L’evento, riservato alle studentesse dei primi anni del corsi di Laurea in Ingegneria Matematica, si è svolto nella sala vetrata dell’Edificio 13 del Politecnico ed è stato organizzato dal [...]
Il 3 dicembre 2024 avrà luogo l’inagurazione della mostra “Women of Mathematics from around the world”, organizzata dal Dipartimento di Matematica. L’evento, con cocktail di inaugurazione della mostra, è rivolto alle studentesse dei primi anni di Ingegneria Matematica, con l’obiettivo di organizzare un [...]
The group of Modern Mathematical Physics: Fields and Particles is the recipient of a grant PRIN 2022 titled ONES – OpeN and Effective quantum Systems. The project involves two units, one in Politecnico, led by Marco Falconi (who is also the project’s Principal Investigator), and one in Gran Sasso Science Institute, [...]
Marco Falconi has been granted funding for a RIMS research project titled The Mathematical Roads to Quantum Field Theory, to be held in Kyoto in the spring/summer of 2026. The Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences finances yearly one/two research projects in all areas of mathematics. These projects aim at attracting [...]