The group of Modern Mathematical Physics: Fields and Particles is the recipient of a grant PRIN 2022 titled ONES – OpeN and Effective quantum Systems. The project involves two units, one in Politecnico, led by Marco Falconi (who is also the project’s Principal Investigator), and one in Gran Sasso Science Institute, [...]
Marco Falconi has been granted funding for a RIMS research project titled The Mathematical Roads to Quantum Field Theory, to be held in Kyoto in the spring/summer of 2026. The Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences finances yearly one/two research projects in all areas of mathematics. These projects aim at attracting [...]
Oggi 19 Novembre il Coordinatore prof. Michele Correggi ha dato il benvenuto ai nuovi studenti del 40° ciclo del corso di dottorato in “Modelli e Metodi Matematici per l’Ingegneria”. Erano presenti 16 studenti già immatricolati o di prossima immatricolazione al corso, fra cui 13 italiani e 3 stranieri [...]
This is a reminder for the deadline for requesting financial support and for contributed talk application for the School and Workshop Mathematical Challenges in Quantum Mechanics (MCQM25). The deadline is set on December 1st, 2024. From February 9th to 14th, 2025, the School and Workshop Mathematical Challenges in Quantum [...]
On November 27th, the Department of Mathematics will host the workshop Mathematical and Philosophical Foundations Of Open Systems, which will take place from 9:00 to 12:30 in Sala Consiglio. The existence of open systems in physics poses outstanding philosophical issues. Indeed, while closed systems can be studied in isolation [...]
We are pleased to announce the successful conclusion of the Mathematics for Planet Earth workshop, held on 11–12 November at the Politecnico di Milano. With around 80 participants and 15 research posters, the event highlighted the transformative role of mathematics in understanding and addressing the challenges confronting [...]
Stefano Pagani, ricercatore presso il Laboratorio di Modellistica e Calcolo Scientifico MOX del Dipartimento di Matematica del Politecnico di Milano, ha contribuito al terzo episodio dal titolo “Costruire le città di domani” della serie podcast “Il futuro sostenibile”. Nel corso dell’intervento, [...]
We are pleased to announce the successful conclusion of the Mathematics for Our Health workshop, held on 7–8 November at the Politecnico di Milano. With around 150 participants and 50 research posters, the event highlighted the transformative role of mathematics in healthcare and life sciences. The workshop was part of the [...]
Anche questo anno QFinLab del Dipartimento di Matematica del Politecnico di Milano partecipa al mese di educazione finanziaria NovembreEdufin2024, coordinato dal Comitato Edufin del Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze. Martedì 5 novembre 15.30-17.30 nel corso di due webinar dedicati ai docenti della scuola secondaria [...]