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The mission of the Department of Mathematics is to develop high quality research in pure and applied Mathematics...

  • Meet our researchers

    Interview to Benedetta Noris

    Ever since elementary school, I have had a strong interest in mathematics: I have always been attracted by logical reasoning and its use for problem-solving. What I appreciate most about mathematics is its internal [...]

  • Meet our researchers

    Interview to Stefania Fresca

    I am Junior Assistant Professor in Numerical Analysis at the MOX (Modeling and Scientific Computing) Lab of the Department of Mathematics, Politecnico di Milano. I hold a Master degree in Mathematical Engineering, with [...]

  • Meet our researchers

    Paola Francesca Antonietti

    ERC Synergy Grant 2023 awarded to Paola F. Antonietti in collaboration with the co-PIs Lourenco Beirao da Veiga, Daniele A. Di Pietro, Jerome Droniou

  • The Department of Mathematics at 31st in the QS ranking 2023


    The Department of Mathematics of the Polytechnic of Milan ranks 31st worldwide for Mathematics in the prestigious QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023, the world ranking of the best universities by disciplinary [...]

  • Financial education activities


    The school year has just ended. QFinLab's commitment to financial education has been very intense. The classes involved were: - 57, lower secondary school - 262, higher secondary school The teachers were able to [...]

  • Gender Balance


    Si è svolto ieri, 3 giugno 2024, nella sala Consiglio del nostro Dipartimento il seminario Gender Balance in Accademia: Sfide e Strategie, con interventi delle Prof.sse Claudia Manzi (Dipartimento di Psicologia [...]

  • FIS Starting Grant awarded to Andrea Manzoni


    Andrea Manzoni has been awarded a FIS Starting Grant for his proposal on Deep Learning for the real-time approximation of partial differential equations (DREAM). Launched with a first call in 2021, the Italian Science [...]

  • Interview to Edoardo Bocchi on the Marie Curie THANAFSI project


    The scientific journal Frontiers interviewed Edoardo Bocchi about the Marie Curie project THANAFSI, which analyzes the stability of suspension bridges in the wind and the impact of ocean waves on marine energy [...]

  • Math Seminars: the Human Intelligence


    I Seminari di Cultura Matematica quest’anno si rinnovano nella forma di 4 incontri   “Math Seminars: the Human Intelligence”  su temi di divulgazione a attualita’ scientifica, a cura di Anna [...]

  • The Mathematics Department of the Politecnico di Milano: Department of Excellence


    The Department of Mathematics of the Politecnico di Milano is one of the 11 departments belonging to Italian public universities to be funded as “Department of Excellence” in the Area 01. The ranking, published [...]