Alice Chang (Princeton University) On Alexendrov-Fenchel inequality for k-convex domain
Abstract: (9 KB)
Djairo de Figueiredo (Univ. de Campinas, Sao Paulo) Biharmonic equation with nonlinearities of the Henon type
Abstract: We discuss existence, multiplicity and regularity of solutions
for the biharmonic under both Dirichet and Navier boundary conditions.
The techniques area variational. So in the case of radial solutions we prove
some embeddings of weighted Sobolev spaces of radial functions.
Multiplicity is obtained by the use of Sobolev spaces with partial
Manuel del Pino (Univ. de Chile) New entire solutions of semilinear elliptic equations
Abstract: We discuss some new results
on construction of families solutions with interesting asymptotic
patterns for some problems including the Allen-Cahn and the
standing-wave focusing NLS equations. In particular the
correspondence of families of solutions with classes of complete
embedded minimal surfaces will be described.
Yan yan Li (Rutgers Univ.) Asymptotic behavior of solutions to the $\sigma_k$-Yamabe equation near isolated singularities
Abstract: We present some results on the behavior of positive
solutions in a punctured ball of general second order
fully nonlinear conformally invariant elliptic equations. We prove that
such a solution, near the puncture, is asymptotic
to some radial solution of the same equation
in the punctured Euclidean space.
This is a joint work with Z.C. Han and E. Teixeira.
Chang-Shou Lin (National Taiwan Univ) A Topological Degree Counting Formulas for a Liouville System
Abstract: We consider a system of nonlinear pde equations in two dimensional
space. The nonlinear term involves the exponential functions. For a
single equation, it is the classical Liouville equation. For this
system, we will the aprior bounds for all solutions when the
parameters are non-critical or equivalently, we should determine the
set of non-critical parameters. We also derive a topological degree
counting formulas for this Liouville systems. As the consequence, we
can prove the existence of solutions when the Euler chacteristic of
the domain is non-positive. This is a joint work with Lei Zhang.
Stefan Hildebrandt (Universität Bonn)
On Plateau's Problem and Riemann's Mapping Theorem
Jean Mawhin (Université Catholique de Louvain) Radial solutions of Neumann problems involving mean extrinsic curvature and periodic nonlinearities
Abstract: (24 KB)
Louis Nirenberg (CIMS, New York) Remarks on singular solutions of fully nonlinear elliptic and parabolic operators
Abstract: Various forms of the maximum principle, including the strong
maximum principle and the Hopf Lemma are established for some singular
solutions ..Some applications are given to proving monotonicity and
symmetry of singular solutions using the method of moving planes.
Paul Rabinowitz (Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison) Global and local minimizers for a class of variational problems
Abstract: We discuss the use of methods from the calculus of
variations, PDE, dynamical systems, and geometry to construct and study solutions for a
class of PDE's introduced by Moser. The existence and multiplicity of period,
heteroclinic and homoclinic solutions as global and local minimizers of
corresponding variational problems will be explored.
Jalal Shatah (CIMS, New York) Space Time Resonance Method and Water Waves Problem
Abstract: We introduce the concept of space time resonant sets for evolution
equations and develop a method to prove global existence for nonlinear
problems based on space time resonance calculations.
We show how the space time resonance method can be used to explain and prove many of
the known results on global existence of small solutions to nonlinear
dispersive and hyperbolic equations.
We also show how this method is
used to prove that small amplitude surface waves exist globally. We
include a full discussion of the fluid interface problems.
Michael Struwe (ETH, Zurich) A "supercritical" nonlinear wave equation in 2 space dimensions
Abstract: Extending the work of Ibrahim et al. on the Cauchy problem for
wave equations with exponential nonlinearities in 2 space dimensions, we
show how global well-posedness may be established also in the "supercritical' regime
of large energies.
Giorgio Talenti (Univ. di Firenze)
Remarks on Busemann equation
Abstract: (53 KB)
Paul Yang (Princeton University) A fourth order invariant in CR geometry in 3-D
Abstract: In CR geometry in 3-D, there is strong analogy with conformal geometry
of dimension four. In particular, there are two conformally covariant
operators which play critical role in the analysis: the analogue of the
conformal Laplacian as well as the analogue of the fourth order operator
of Paneitz. In recent work we found the positivity of both these operators
have strong consequences: the positivity of mass as well
as the imbeddability of CR structures.
Claudianor O. Alves (Universidade Federal de Campina Grande)
Abstract: (14 KB)
Elves A. B. Silva (Departamento de Matemática, Universidade de Brasília) Existence of a positive solution for quasilinear
Schrödinger equations
Abstract: (32 KB)
Vieri Benci (Università di Pisa) Hylomorphic solitons for the Klein-Gordon-Maxwell equations
Abstract: Roughly speaking a solitary wave is a solution of a field equation whose
energy travels as a localized packet and which preserves this localization in
time. A soliton is a solitary wave which exhibits some strong form of stability
so that it has a particle-like behavior. The solitons whose existence is related
to the ratio energy/charge are called hylomorphic. This class includes the Q-
balls, which are spherically symmetric solutions of the nonlinear Klein-Gordon
equation, as well as the solitons which occur, by the same mechanism, in the
nonlinear Schroedinger equation. We will show that also the nonlinear Klein-
Gordon-Maxwell equations admits hylomorphic solitons. This kind of soliton in
the physical literature are called charged Q-balls.
Joao Marcos Bezerra do Ó (Universidade Federal da Paraíba)
A Sharp Trudinger-Moser Type Inequality
Abstract: (13 KB)
Lucio Boccardo (Università di Roma 1)
Quasilinear and semilinear singular elliptic equations and systems
Abstract: (91 KB)
Alfonso Castro (Harvey Mudd College, Claremont) Wave equations with non-monotone nonlinearity
Abstract: Recent results on existence of solutions to wave equations
with non-monotone nonlinearity and
infinite dimensional kernel will be discussed. Loss of regularity due
to the interaction of the nonlinearity with
eigenvalues of infinite multiplicity will be presented.
Giovanna Cerami (Politecnico di Bari)
Multiple positive solutions for some Schröodinger Equations
Abstract: (20 KB)
Mónica Clapp (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
Intertwining semiclassical solutions to a Schrödinger-Newton system
Abstract: (45 KB)
David Costa (University of Nevada) On Positive Solutions for a Class of Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg type Equations
Abstract: We consider solvability for a class of singular
Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg type equations in R^N with a sign-changing
weight function. In particular, we examine how the properties of the
Nehari manifold and the fibrering maps affect the question of
existence of positive solutions.
Arnaldo S. do Nascimento (Universidade Federal do Sao Carlos) Stable stationary solutions to a reaction-diffusion equation with zero Neumann boundary condition in rectangular domains.
Abstract: We prove existence of nonconstant stable stationary solutions of a
reaction-diffusion equation with no flux boundary condition in
rectangles and squares. By a well-known result of Casten and
Holland and also Matano, such solutions do not exist in convex
domains which are at least C^2; we prove the same result under
weaker hypothesis on the regularity of the domain. In particular we
exhibit a C^1 convex domain for which this result still holds.
The approach is variational and based on Gamma-convergence
techniques. Symmetry inheritance from symmetry properties of the domain
and the reaction term is also obtained using the Unique Continuation
Principle. In particular for the square a complete geometric picture of
the level sets of the stable equilibria is obtained.
Marcelo F. Furtado (Universidade de Brasília)
Multiplicity and concentration of solutions for elliptic systems with vanishing potentials
Abstract: (31 KB)
Filippo Gazzola (Dipartimento di Matematica Politecnico di Milano) The first biharmonic Steklov eigenvalue: optimization and critical growth elliptic problems
Abstract: We study some properties of the first biharmonic Steklov eigenvalue.
We set up an optimal shape problem and we show its role in critical
growth semilinear elliptic problems.
Jean-Pierre Gossez (Univ. of Bruxelles) Maximum and antimaximum principles: beyond the frst eigenvalue
Abstract: (31 KB)
Norimichi Hirano (Yokohama National University)
Existence of Steady Stable Solutions for Ginzburg-Landau equation in a domain with nontrivial topology
Abstract: (37 KB)
Otared Kavian (Universite de Versailles) A Nonlinear Population Dynamics Model: Approximate Controllability by Birth Control using the Kakutani Fixed Point Theorem
Abstract: we analyse an approximate
controllability result for a nonlinear
population dynamics model. In this model the
birth term is nonlocal and describes the
recruitment process in newborn individuals
population, and the control acts on a small
open set of the domain and corresponds to an
elimination or a supply of newborn individuals.
In our proof we use a unique continuation
property for the solution of the heat equation
and the Kakutani-Fan-Glicksberg fixed point theorem for multivalued operators.
Sebastián Lorca (UTA, Chile) Multiple solutions for the mean curvature equation
Abstract: (14 KB)
Liliane Maia (Departamento de Matemática, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil) Existence of antisymmetric solutions for a class
of nonlinear Schrödinger equations
Abstract: (44 KB)
Gianni Mancini (Università degli Studi ”Roma Tre”)
Moser-Trudinger inequalities on conformal discs
Abstract: (65 KB)
Everaldo Souto de Medeiros (Universidade Federal da Paraìba)
Weak solutions of quasilinear elliptic systems via the cohomological index
Abstract: (26 KB)
Anna Maria Micheletti (Univ. di Pisa)
Some generic properties of non degeneracy of critical points
Abstract: (48 KB)
Olimpio Miyagaki (Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora)
Existence results for quasilinear elliptic exterior problems involving convection term with nonlinear Robin boundary conditions
Abstract: (45 KB)
Marcelo Montenegro (Unicamp, Brazil) Concentrating solutions for an elliptic equation arising in free boundary problems
Abstract: (13 KB)
Filomena Pacella (Univ. Roma 1) Radial solutions of semilinear elliptic problems: spectral analysis and bifurcation
Abstract: We consider radial positive solutions of semilinear
elliptic problems with power nonlinearities either in an annulus or
in the exterior of a ball and show some results on the spectrum of
the linearized operator. From this we deduce on one side bifurcation
results, in particular with respect to the exponent of the nonlinear
term, on the other side existence of "quasiradial solutions" in
domains close to an annulus. All results apply also to the
supercritical case when the existence and multiplicity of
(nonradial) solutions seems particularly difficult to get.
Charles Stuart (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne)
Localization of P-S and Cerami sequences in a mountain pass geometry
Abstract: (34 KB)
Gabriella Tarantello (Università di Roma Tor Vergata) Uniqueness and Symmetry results for solutions of a mean
field equation on s^2 via a new bubbling phenomenon
Abstract: Motivated by the study of gauge field vortices we consider a mean field
equation on the standard two-sphere involving a Dirac distribution supported at a point P of S^2.
As needed for the applications, we show that solutions ”concentrate” exactly at P for some limiting value of a given parameter.
We use this fact to obtain symmetry (about the axis OP) and uniqueness property for the solution.
The presence of the Dirac measure makes such a task particularly delicate.
Indeed, we need to rule out the possibility that, after blow up (in a suitable scale), the solution sequence may admit a
double ”peak” profile described in terms of appropriate “limiting” problems.
For instance we need to account for the presence of non-axially symmetric solutions in such ”limiting” problems.
In this process, we establish a symmetry result about a maximal circle through P and its antipodal point P*, that applies
to more general situations where the full axial symmetry cannot be expected.
This work is in collaboration with D. BARTOLUCCI and C.S. LIN.
Eduardo Teixeira (Univ. Federal Ceara) Existence and regularity theory for free boundary problems in Riemannian manifolds
Abstract: Physical models in Riemannian manifolds are central themes of
research within the modern theory of mathematical analysis. Problems with
unknown boundaries (free boundary problems), often employed to model
discontinuous change of phases, are of particular interest in this new set
up. In this talk, I will present some fine regularity tools, developed
together with Lei Zhang (Univ. Florida), in the study of free boundary
problems in non-Euclidean environments. Our results are generalizations of
the famous almost-monotonicity formulae of Caffarelli, Jerison and Kenig
(Ann Math 2002). Several applications will be delivered.
Susanna Terracini (Univ. Milano Bicocca) On some optimal partition problems
Abstract: We consider the free boundary problem associated with optimal
partitions related with linear and nonlinear eigenvalues. We are
concerned with extremality conditions and the regularity of the nodal
sets, also in connection with that of eigenfunctions and the number of
their nodal domains.
Pedro Ubilla (Universidad de Santiago de Chile)
Superlinear elliptic problems with sign changing coefficients
Abstract: (20 KB)