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MATEC4Girls – Prima edizione Il 12 maggio si celebra la Giornata Internazionale delle Donne nella Matematica. Per l’occasione il laboratorio FDS organizza a un evento tutto al femminile che si terrà il 14/05/2024 dalle 9:30 alle 16:00 presso il Dipartimento di Matematica del Politecnico di Milano. Sei una studentessa di [...]
The 40th cycle call (2024/2025) for the admission to PhD courses has been published. The PhD program in Mathematical Models and Methods in Engineering offers 4 positions (of which 3 fully funded with scholarships). The PhD program in Data Analytics and Decision Sciences offers 1 position (fully funded with [...]
On April 23, 2024 Filippo de Feo successfully defended his PhD dissertation titled "SDEs on Hilbert Spaces: Slow-fast Systems of SPDEs, Stochastic Optimal Control with Delays and Applications to Economics and Finance" and obtained a PhD in Mathematical Models and Methods in [...]
Stefania Fresca, Francesco Regazzoni, and Davide Riccobelli were selected by INdAM (Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica) to receive funding for a research period at foreign scientific institutions. The Committee evaluated the candidates’ curricula, focusing on their publications, the quality and continuity of their [...]
The Department of Mathematics of the Polytechnic of Milan ranks 31st worldwide for Mathematics in the prestigious QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023, the world ranking of the best universities by disciplinary field, improving by a further three positions compared to last year. At a European level the Department is in [...]
Come fanno i rugbisti a scegliere il punto migliore per realizzare un calcio di trasformazione? Possono i vestiti tecnici migliorare le prestazioni in ambito sportivo? Come fanno le barche da competizione ad andare a “cento all’ora”? E cosa centra tutto questo con i modelli matematici?A queste e altre domande hanno potuto [...]
Andrea Manzoni has been awarded a FIS Starting Grant for his proposal on Deep Learning for the real-time approximation of partial differential equations (DREAM). Launched with a first call in 2021, the Italian Science Fund (FIS) aims at promoting the development of fundamental research on the model of ERC - the most prestigious [...]
The Italian Society of Statistics (SIS) awarded Prof. Francesca Ieva the "Award to Young Scholars for Contributions to Statistical Disciplines", 2024 edition, with the following motivation: "The prize committee proposed to award the prize for the year 2024 to SIS member Francesca Ieva, whose broad scientific production stands [...]
The paper “A comprehensive and biophysically detailed computational model of the whole human heart electromechanics” authored by M. Fedele, R. Piersanti, F. Regazzoni, M. Salvador, P. C. Africa, M. Bucelli, A. Zingaro, L. Dede, and A. Quarteroni has been recognized with the prestigious Oden-Hughes Award for the best [...]