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Giulia Donelli,  studentessa del primo anno di Ingegneria Matematica al Politecnico di Milano è la vincitrice della  borsa di studio Amazon Women in Innovation 2024 promossa e finanziata da Amazon per aiutare le giovani studentesse di discipline STEM a inserirsi nel settore dell’economia digitale, dell’innovazione e [...]
Building on the success of previous years, PoliMi Financial Engineering course once again featured the popular ‘Best Pitch’ competition. This year 5 distinct groups obtained the ‘Best Pitch Award’ due to their capacity to highlight the best solutions to their project and capturing the jury’s [...]
Davide Riccobelli has been awarded an INdAM Starting Grant from the National Institute of High Mathematics "Francesco Severi" for his research project "MATH-FRAC: MATHematical modelling of FRACture in nonlinear elastic materials". His project ranked 1st among the applications in all areas of mathematics.   Link: [...]
On June 14, the sixth edition of the Lombardy Young Numerical Analysts Meeting took place at Politecnico di Milano. The event featured many inspiring presentations by young researchers who engaged a curious audience. The meeting provided a dynamic platform for discussing a wide range of topics and applications within numerical [...]
On June 26, 2024 Fabien Mael Lespagnol successfully defended his PhD dissertation titled "A new computational approach for fluid-structure interaction of slender bodies immersed in three-dimensional flows" and obtained a PhD in Mathematical Models and Methods in [...]
The Department of Mathematics of the Polytechnic of Milan ranks 31st worldwide for Mathematics in the prestigious QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023, the world ranking of the best universities by disciplinary field, improving by a further three positions compared to last year. At a European level the Department is in [...]
The Italian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (SIMAI) awarded Francesco Regazzoni the Young Researcher Prize 2024. The Prize is awarded to researchers up to 35 years of age, based on: autonomy in the scientific production, capability of developing lines of research of interest to applications of mathematics, [...]
The school year has just ended. QFinLab's commitment to financial education has been very intense. The classes involved were:  - 57, lower secondary school - 262, higher secondary school The teachers were able to choose between: - flipped classroom courses (basic, intermediate, advanced) - path on cryptocurrencies - [...]
Michel Bucelli has been awarded the prestigious ECCOMAS 2024 PhD Olympiad prize with his presentation "Mathematical and Numerical Modeling of the Heart Function: Integrating Electrophysiology, Mechanics and Fluid Dynamics". The prize had been awarded during the ECCOMAS 2024 Congress in Lisbon [...]
Alfio Quarteroni has been awarded the Ritz-Galerkin Medal 2024 by the European Association for Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS). The Ritz-Galerkin Medal is the highest award given by ECCOMAS, honouring individuals who have made outstanding, sustained contributions in the field of computational methods in [...]