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Financial education projects for schools

Financial education projects for schools

Also this year QFinLab of the Department of Mathematics of Politecnico di Milano participates to the financial education month NovembreEdufin2024.
On Tuesday 5 November 3.30pm-5.30pm during two webinars dedicated to secondary school teachers, the initiatives for the 2024-2025 school year will be presented. More information on the web site: https://www.imparalafinanza.it and writing to: edufin@polimi.it, learnfinance@gmail.com

Project carried out within the MUSA project – Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action, financed by the European Union –
NextGeneration, PNRR Mission 4 Component 2 Investment Line 1.5: Creation and strengthening of  “innovation ecosystems”,
construction of  “territorial R&D leaders”