27 Mag 2024 - 28 Mag 2024
Sezione di Logica e Filosofia della Scienza
Numbers and Stories - Ethical Dimensions of Climate Change Research

The conference will bring together internationally renowned experts and early career researchers for an interdisciplinary discussion on the ethical dimensions of climate change research. Specifically, the first day will be concerned with the theme of illegitimate value influences and the responsibility of scientists and institutions in ensuring relevance and integrity of climate change research. The second day will discuss whether and how considerations of justice should enter the evaluation of mitigation scenarios and how doing so could enhance the credibility and effectiveness of future research. Specific proposals will be discussed for operationalizing justice into quantitative emission scenarios produced by the scientific community.
Hernan Bobadilla (DMAT), Rawad El Skaf (DMAT), Sara Giarola (DIG/RFF-CMCC), Francesco Nappo (DMAT), Massimo Tavoni (DIG/RFF-CMCC), Henrik Thoren (Lund University), Giovanni Valente (DMAT)
Politecnico di Milano, Aula Rogers