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Scientific Reports

The preprint collection of the Department of Mathematics.
Full-text generally not available for preprints prior to may 2006.

MOX Reports

The preprint collection of the Laboratory for Modeling and Scientific Computation MOX. It mainly contains works on numerical analysis and mathematical modeling applied to engineering problems. MOX web site is mox.polimi.it
Found 1230 products 
  • 51/2024 - 07/23/2024
    Antonietti, P.F.; Corti, M.; Lorenzon, G.
    A discontinuous Galerkin method for the three-dimensional heterodimer model with application to prion-like proteins’ dynamics
  • 50/2024 - 07/13/2024
    Fumagalli, I.; Parolini, N.; Verani, M.
    A posteriori error analysis for a coupled Stokes-poroelastic system with multiple compartments
  • 49/2024 - 07/06/2024
    Ballini, E.; Formaggia, L.; Fumagalli, A.; Keilegavlen, E.; Scotti, A.
    A hybrid upwind scheme for two-phase flow in fractured porous media
  • 48/2024 - 07/04/2024
    Cicalese, G.; Ciaramella, G.; Mazzieri, I.
    Addressing Atmospheric Absorption in Adaptive Rectangular Decomposition
  • 47/2024 - 06/24/2024
    Franco, N.R.; Brugiapaglia, S.
    A practical existence theorem for reduced order models based on convolutional autoencoders
  • 45/2024 - 06/17/2024
    Fumagalli, A.; Patacchini, F. S.
    Numerical validation of an adaptive model for the determination of nonlinear-flow regions in highly heterogeneos porous media
  • 44/2024 - 06/17/2024
    Fumagalli, I.
    Discontinuous Galerkin method for a three-dimensional coupled fluid-poroelastic model with applications to brain fluid mechanics
  • 46/2024 - 06/17/2024
    Riccobelli, D.; Ciarletta, P.; Vitale, G.; Maurini, C.; Truskinovsky, L.
    Elastic Instability behind Brittle Fracture