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Scientific Reports

The preprint collection of the Department of Mathematics.
Full-text generally not available for preprints prior to may 2006.
Found 868 products 
  • QDD235 - 03/02/2023
    Colombo, F; Krausshar R.S.; Sabadini, I
    Octonionic monogenic and slice monogenic Hardy and Bergman spaces
  • QDD234 - 08/01/2022
    Colombo F.; Krausshar R.S.; Sabadini I.
    Slice monogenic theta series
  • QDD233 - 11/23/2020
    Bertacchi D.; Braunsteins, P.; Hautphenne, S.; Zucca, F.
    Extinction probabilities in branching processes with countably many types: a general framework
  • QDD232 - 09/24/2019
    Pavani, R.
    Challenging mathematical insights into masonry domes over the centuries
  • QDD231 - 11/13/2018
    Andrà, C.; Brunetto, D.; Pini, A.
    A contribution to understand STEM students' difficulties with mathematics
  • QDD230 - 04/10/2018
    Sabadini, I; Sommen, F.
    Radon type transforms for holomorphic functions in the Lie ball
  • QDD229 - 01/09/2018
    Alpay, D.; Colombo, F.; Sabadini, I.
    de Branges spaces and characteristic operator function: the quaternionic case
  • QDD228 - 07/06/2017
    Bucur, D.; Fragalà, I.; Velichkov, B.; Verzini, G.
    On the honeycomb conjecture for a class of minimal convex partitions

MOX Reports

The preprint collection of the Laboratory for Modeling and Scientific Computation MOX. It mainly contains works on numerical analysis and mathematical modeling applied to engineering problems. MOX web site is