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Companies, Institutions & Society

The mission of the Department of Mathematics embraces the collaboration with companies and public institutions, and the engagement in societal challenges.

1. Collaboration with companies and public institutions

The Department of Mathematics has collaborated, throughout the years, with many companies operating in different sectors such as manufacturing, energy, transportations, health, and finance, including:

Pirelli, ABB, Eni, Enel, ATM, Trenord, Accenture, Deloitte, Iccrea, BancoBPM, Human Technopole, Ospedale Niguarda Ca’ Granda. Ospedale San Raffaele.

Moreover, it has collaborated also with local, national, and international institutions such as:

Regione Lombardia, Agenzia Regionale Emergenza Urgenza 118, Ministero delle Infrastrutture e Trasporti, Ministero della Salute, Authority for Electric Energy and Gas, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI), European Commission.

The collaboration with companies works through two main channels: joint application to national and international calls for grants, funding of research and education projects.

Contract types:


2. Post-graduate training

The Department of Mathematics provides advanced programs at the Polimi Graduate School of Management and the Cefriel center. This activity includes two types of tracks:

  • Specialization masters and programs. The teaching activities are recognized as university educational credits, the programs target graduates and professionals who want to undertake a professional specialization. At the moment the Department is promoting two specialization masters: Master in Quantitative Finance, and International Master in Fintech, Finance, and Digital Innovation.
  • Lifelong learning courses. The teaching activities support companies and institutions in keeping their staff updated with respect to topics within the competence of the Department of Mathematics.

3. Spin-offs

The Department of Mathematics has founded two spin-offs: MOXOFF, now an independent company, and ADAPTA studio.

4. Social Responsibility

The Department of Mathematics is actively engaged in social responsibility activities.

Many projects coordinated by the Department of Mathematics have been financed by the social responsibility program of the Politecnico di Milano Polisocial Award:

  • Bet-on-math. The project aims at developing an innovative and certified formation program for secondary schools on the theory of probability applied to gambling.
  • Teen. Teen is a project that deals with the phenomenon of young immigration to Europe and aims at promoting basic mathematical literacy as a fundamental right that may significantly increase the level of autonomy of teens, helping them to deal with daily needs.
  • Safari Njema. Safari Njema proposes an innovative methodology to study and reduce transport poverty in African cities. Making use of underexploited resources such as mobile phone data and of statistical modelling, it provides strategic hints for restructuring the current mobility offer and providing safe, reliable, economically sustainable solutions.
  • Methexis. Methexis is a multidisciplinary project of mathematics, narratives and generative spaces for extremely fragile contexts. It addresses the young adults section of the San Vittore prison and aims at improving the involvement of young people, officers and staff in social life and reciprocal support.

Moreover the laboratory QfinLab offers activities on financial education and the laboratory FDS offers courses for teachers and activities for science popularization. Finally, the Department is active in projects for the protection and promotion of cultural heritage such as Models and algorithms for digital innovation in fashion, part of the activities of the Gianfranco Ferrè research center.