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Seminario Matematico e Fisico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 - 20133 Milano
Direttore: Paolo Stellari
Vice Direttore: Gabriele Grillo
Segretario: Daniele Cassani

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Andrei OKOUNKOV, Columbia University
Lunedì 08 Giugno 2015, ore 16:30 precise
Dipartimento di Matematica, Via Saldini, Aula Chisini
Rita PARDINI, Università di Pisa
Superfici di Godeaux stabili e curve bi-triellittiche di genere 2
Venerdì 22 Maggio 2015, ore 15:00
Sala Rappresentanza Dipartimento di Matematica Via Saldini 50
Alexandru ALEMAN, University of Lund
Fock-space models for evolution equations coming from quadratic differential operators
Lunedì 18 Maggio 2015, ore 17:00 precise
Sala Rappresentanza, Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita' di Milano, Via Saldini, 50
We consider evolution equations induced by an important class of quadratic differential operators which arise from the Weyl quantization of quadratic forms. This class of operators has a number of special features which makes their study quite involved. In general: 1) They are far from being selfadjoint, 2) Their eigenvectors form a minimal set with dense span, but not a Riesz basis, 3) The norm of their resolvent grows exponentially towards infinity within certain regions in the complex plane. The aim of the talk is to present a model for such operators on Fock spaces in several complex variables, which offers a complex analysis perspective and can be used to address a number of questions about the solutions of these evolution equations. The material is based on joint work with J. Viola.
Vieri Benci, Università di Pisa
A new notion of generalized solution in PDE's
Mercoledì 13 Maggio 2015, ore 17:00 precise
Dipartimento di Matematica del Politecnico - Aula Consiglio 7° piano
Gabriella Tarantello, Università di Roma
Sullo Studio dei Vortici di Chern-Simons in contesti Autoduali
Giovedì 26 Febbraio 2015, ore 11:00 precise
Aula Consiglio 7° piano
Antonio Leaci, Università del Salento
Free discontinuity problems and image inpainting
Lunedì 16 Febbraio 2015, ore 15:00 precise
Aula Consiglio VII piano