Frontiers of High-Performance Computing in

Modeling and Simulation


2024, July 4-5    -    Milano, Italy

+ July 3 - Tutorial Session on Quantum Computing


Co-organized with

The focus of this event is exploring the most recent methodologies available to accelerate simulation software on massively parallel platforms providing to researchers as well as practitioners a survey of the potentiality of HPC in real world applications.

The scientific event will be hosted at Politecnico di Milano

  July 4-5, 2024
 Politecnico di Milano, Leonardo Campus - Aula Rogers (map)

Participation is free, but registration is mandatory.


The day before the workshop (July 3), a Tutorial Session on Quantum Computing will be organized by Dr. Daniele Ottaviani (CINECA).

The Tutorial Session on Quantum Computing will take place in Room 3.1.2 (map)


For information please contact: hpcsim24-dmat@polimi.it









Carsten Burstedde is Professor at the Institute for Numerical Simulation of the University of Bonn (Germany). He did his PhD in Mathematics on fast wavelet methods for PDE-constraind optimal control problems with Prof. Angela Kunoth at the University of Bonn. Thereafter, he worked at the Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES) at the University of Texas (Austin, USA) as postdoctoral researcher, Research Associate and lastly Research Scientist.. His research focuses on the efficient numerical solution of problems in geophysics, with a special interest in developing parallel algorithms that scale to the largest supercomputers available. He is lead author of the p4est software for parallel mesh adaptivity.




Victorita Dolean just joined TU Eindhoven as a Full Professor in Scientific Computing. Before that, she was a part-time Professor at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, where she still holds a honorary visiting position. She is also a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA). She works on the design of fast algorithms for the simulation of complex systems of PDEs with a focus in the latest years on wave propagation problems. Together with her collaborators, she was the recipient of Bull-Joseph Fourier Prize, delivered by Atos-Bull, for her innovative work on real time simulation of strokes using HPC (SIAM News, 2016). She co-authored a reference work on Domain decomposition methods (published by SIAM in 2015). She’s a member of the editorial board of SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing and of the Scientific Committee of International Conferences on Domain decomposition methods.


Based in Seattle, Simone Severini started and manages the Quantum Technologies division of Amazon Web Services (AWS). As a Professor of Physics of Information at University College London (UCL), he initiated university-industry collaborations with enterprises like Google, Lockheed Martin, and Siemens. He helped founding some of the first Quantum Computing startups in the world, including Quantinuum (formerly Cambridge Quantum Computing) and PhaseCraft. He served as an expert for research organizations and funding agencies including the Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL), the National Science & Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), and for some of the largest venture capitals worldwide. While at AWS, he launched Amazon Braket, the first service that integrates in the cloud prototypes of quantum processors. He contributed to found the AWS Center for Quantum Computing, in partnership with Caltech, and the AWS Center for Quantum Networking, in partnership with Harvard University.





Daniele Ottaviani worked on denoising algorithms for astronomical imaging data at the Astronomical Observatory of Rome at the Italian National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF) and then did his Ph.D. in Mathematics and Models at University of L'Aquila (Italy). He is now Coordinator of the Quantum Computing Lab at CINECA (Italy), where he has previously been HPC Scientific Application Engineer.





Download the Book of Abstract



Registration is free but mandatory, both for the Workshop (4-5 July) and the Mini-tutorial Session (3 July).

The maximum number of participants in the mini tutorial is very limited. We will give priority to students.



Registration Form

deadline 05-07-2024



For your stay in Milan, we have secured favorable rates at the hotels indicated below (both within 15-min walking distance from the workshop venue). To take advantage of this offer, you need to indicate the code "HPCSIM" in the notes of your online reservation.

Please note that the number of rooms available at such special rates is limited.



Luca Formaggia (Politecnico di Milano)

Paolo Cremonesi (Politecnico di Milano)

Carlo de Falco (Politecnico di Milano)

Ivan Fumagalli (Politecnico di Milano)

Ilario Mazzieri (Politecnico di Milano)

Nicola Parolini (Politecnico di Milano)

Carlo Janna (Università di Padova)

Andrea Franceschini (Università di Padova)

Nicolò Spiezia (M3E)


Platinum Sponsors




Gold Sponsors