Organizers: Stefano Biagi, Filippo Dell’Oro, Filippo Giuliani.
Carlos Escudero, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid,
Existence results for a fourth order equation arising in the
theory of non-equilibrium phase transitions, Wednesday, October 02, 2013, time 14:00 o'clock, aula seminari VI piano
In this talk we will introduce a model that arises in the
theory of non-equilibrium phase transitions, in particular in the
description of self-affine surfaces. We will briefly comment on the
role that this model is meant to play in this physical theory.
Furthermore, we will mention some open questions of physical nature
related to it. Subsequently we will start with the rigorous analysis
of our model, which is a fourth order partial differential equation. We
will describe our progress in building an existence theory for the
full model, which is a parabolic equation, and for its stationary
counterpart. For the latter case existence and multiplicity results
are provided, and for the former one we will show local in time
existence of the solution, that can be made global for small enough
data, and cannot if these are large enough. We will show how these
results fit into the physical theory, and what open questions are left
for the future.
A. Takatsu, Nagoya University,
Evolution equations as Wasserstein gradient flows, Friday, September 27, 2013, time 14:00 o'clock, Aula seminari III piano
In this talk, I study a certain evolution equation on a weighted Riemannian manifold as the gradient flow of a generalized relative entropy with respect to the Wasserstein metric. The Wasserstein metric is a metric on the space of probability measures. For example, it is known that the porous medium equation is the Wasserstein gradient flow of the Tsallis entropy. I give a criterion for generalized relative entropies to be convex. From the convexity of generalized relative entropies, I derive appropriate variants of the Poincaré and the logarithmic Sobolev inequalities, also the contraction propety of its gradient flow. This is a joint work with Shin-ichi Ohta.
Ciprian Gal, Florida International University,
On degenerate parabolic equations with dynamic boundary conditions, Friday, July 05, 2013, time 11:15 o'clock, Aula seminari III piano
We wish to present some recent developments concerning the
solvability of some classes of quasilinear parabolic equations with
dynamic boundary conditions. We will describe issues from
well-posedness to the long time asymptotic behavior as time goes to
infinity (attractors, dimension estimates, etc). We will explain how
to derive new conditions which reflect an exact balance between the
internal and the boundary mechanisms involved, even when both the
nonlinear sources contribute in opposite directions. Blow up of
solutions will also be touched on.
Daniele Valtorta, Università degli Studi dell Insubria,
Quantitative stratification and critical sets of harmonic functions, Thursday, June 06, 2013, time 12:00, Aula seminari III piano
Given a harmonic function defined on the unit ball of R^n, we discuss techniques to
obtain effective volume estimates on the tubular neighborhood of its critical sets.
We use a technique recently introduced by proff. Jeff Cheeger and Aaron Naber,
called quantitative stratification technique. It is based on approximate symmetries
of the function u at different scales. Studying how these approximate symmetries
interact with each other, we obtain the effective volume estimates.
These results
are described in a preprint available on arXiv.
We also discuss possible improvements
of the results using a refined quantitative differentiation argument and packing
estimates for semi-algebraic sets.
Antoine Henrot, Institut Elie Cartan,
Elastic energy of a convex body, Tuesday, Febraury 26, 2013, time 15:00, Aula seminari VI piano
Following L. Euler, we define the elastic energy E(K) of a regular compact set K in the plane
as 1/2 times the integral over the boundary of K of the square of the boundary curvature. We will denote by $A(K)$ the area of $K$ and
$P(K)$ its perimeter. In this talk, we prove that for any convex set K the quotient
A(K)E(K)/P(K) is larger than or equal to pi/2, with equality only for the disk. We deduce that the disk
minimizes the elastic energy with an area constraint.
We will also consider analogous tridimensional problems involving the
Willmore (or the Helfrich) energy linked to the modelling of vesicles.
Sandro Salsa, Dipartimento di Matematica - Politecnico di Milano,
Una chiaccherata informale sullo sviluppo dell analisi matematica, Monday, December 17, 2012, time 16:45 o'clock, Aula Maestrale - Tender
La seconda parte della chiacchierata informale sullo Sviluppo dell Analisi, verrà tenuta dal Prof. Sandro Salsa il giorno 17 Dicembre a partire dalle ore 16:45 in Aula Maestrale ( Tender ). La chiacchierata è aperta ai curiosi e agli interessati, in particolare, visti i temi, studenti del IV e V anno di Ing. Matematica.