TitoloAnalysis of Proteomics data: Block K-mean Alignment
Autore/iBernardi, M.; Sangalli, L.M.; Secchi, P.; Vantini, S.
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PubblicatoMara Bernardi, Laura M. Sangalli, Piercesare Secchi, Simone Vantini (2014), Analysis of Proteomics data: Block K-mean Alignment, Electronic Journal of Statistics, Special Section on "Statistics of Time Warpings and Phase Variations", Vol. 8, No. 2, 1714-1723.
AbstractWe analyze the proteomics data introducing a block k-mean alignment procedure. This technique is able to jointly align and cluster the data, accounting appropriately for the block structure of these data, that includes measurement repetitions for each patient. An analysis of area-under-peaks, following the alignment, separates patients who respond and those who do not respond to treatment.