CodiceMOX 37
TitoloReliability and efficiency of an anisotropic Zienkiewicz-Zhu error estimator
Autore/iMicheletti, Stefano; Perotto, Simona
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PubblicatoMicheletti, S.; Perotto, S., Reliability and efficiency of an anisotropic Zienkiewicz-Zhu error estimator, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 195 (2006), no. 9-12, 799-835
AbstractIn this paper we study the efficiency and the reliability of an anisotropic a posteriori error estimator in the case of the Poisson problem supplied with mixed boundary conditions. The error estimator may be classified as a residual-basedone, but its novelty is twofold: firstly, it employs anisotropic estimates of the interpolation error for linear triangular finite elements and, secondly, it makes use of the Zienkiewicz-Zhu recovery procedure to approximate the gradient of the exact solution. Finally, we describe the adaptive procedure used to obtain a numerical solution satisfying a given accuracy, and we include some numerical test cases to assess the robustness of the proposed numerical algorithm.