CodiceMOX 36
TitoloStrategies of model coupling: application to free surface flow problems
Autore/iMiglio, Edie; Perotto, Simona; Saleri, Fausto
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PubblicatoMiglio, E.; Perotto, S.; Saleri, F., Model coupling techniques for free-surface flow problems. Part I and Part II, Nonlinear Analysis, 63 (2005), no. 5-7, 1885-1896, and Nonlinear Analysis, 63 (2005), no. 5-7, 1897-1908
AbstractThe motion of water in a complex hydrodynamic configuration is characterized by a wide spectrum of space and time scales, due to coexistence of physical phenomena of different nature. Consequently, the numerical simulation of a hydrodynamic system of this type is characterized by a large computational cost. In this paper, after introducing a quite general setting for model coupling, we discuss two techniques to reduce such a computational effort by suitably coupling different hydrodynamic models. The first approach is based on a dimensionally heterogeneous-physically homogeneous coupling strategy driven a priori physical considerations. As second strategy we suggest a dimensionally homogeneous-physically heterogeneous coupling. This time the subdomain-to-model correspondence is identified automatically thanks to a suitable a posteriori modeling error estimator. The range of applicability of both the approaches is finally examined on some test cases.