TitoloAn Integrated Statistical Investigation of the Internal Carotid Arteries hosting Cerebral Aneurysms
Autore/iPasserini, T.; Sangalli, L.; Vantini, S.; Piccinelli, M.; Bacigaluppi, S.; Antiga, L.; Boccardi, E.; Secchi, P.; Veneziani, A.
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PubblicatoTiziano Passerini, Laura M. Sangalli, Simone Vantini, Marina Piccinelli, Susanna Bacigaluppi, Luca Antiga, Piercesare Secchi, Alessandro Veneziani (2012), An Integrated CFD-Statistical Investigation of Parent Vasculature of Cerebral Aneurysms, Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 26-40.
AbstractCerebral aneurysm formation is the result of a complex interplay of systemic and local factors. Among the latter, the role of the geometry of the vessel hosting an aneurysm (parent vessel) and the induced hemodynamics still needs to be carefully investigated. In this paper we have considered a data set of 52 patients, reconstructed the geometries of the parent vessel and extracted the relevant morphological features with image processing methods. We performed the computational fluid dynamics analysis of these patients with a finite element solver. We have collected in this way a set of data including morphology and wall shear stress along the parent vessel. Thanks to a functional principal component analysis we related relevant geometrical and fluid dynamical features to a classification of patients depending on the location of the aneurysms and the rupture status. This analysis is anticipated to provide a contribution for the assessment of an index for the rupture risk.