TitoloMining Administrative Health Databases for epidemiological purposes: a case study on Acute Myocardial Infarctions diagnoses
Autore/iIeva, F.; Paganoni, A.M.; Secchi, P.
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PubblicatoAdvances in Theoretical and Applied Statistics (eds: F. Pesarin, S.Torelli), chap 38: 415-424. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
AbstractWe present a pilot data mining analysis on the subset of the Public Health Database of Lombardia Region concerning hospital discharge data relative to Acute Myocardial Infarctions without ST segment elevation (NON-STEMI). The analysis is carried out using non linear semi parametric and parametric mixed effects models, in order to detect different patterns of growth in the number of NON-STEMI diagnoses within the 30 largest clinical structures of Lombardia Region, along the time period 2000-2007. The analysis is a seminal example of statistical support to decision makers in clinical context, aimed at monitoring the diffusion of new procedures and the effects of health policy interventions.