CodiceMOX 23
TitoloInteracting reinforced urn systems
Autore/iPaganoni, Anna Maria; Secchi Piercesare
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PubblicatoA.M. Paganoni, P.Secchi (2004), Interacting reinforced urn systems, Advances in Applied Probability, 36, 791-804
AbstractWe introduce a class of a discrete time stochastic processes generated by interacting systems of reinforced urns. We show that such processes are asymptotically partially exchangeable and we prove a strong law of large numbers. Examples and the analysis of particular cases show that interacting reinforced urn systems are very flexible representations for modelling countable collections of dependents and asymptotically exchangeable sequences of random variables. First published in: Advances in Applied Probability - Vol. 36 No.3 (September 2004) by The Applied Probability Trust.