TitoloExploitation, integration and statistical analysis of Public Health Database and STEMI archive in Lombardia Region
Autore/iBarbieri, P.; Grieco, N.; Ieva, F.; Paganoni, A. M.; Secchi, P.
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PubblicatoComplex data modeling and computationally intensive statistical methods, Contribution to Statistics, Springer 41-56 (2010)
AbstractIn this work we describe nature and aims of the Strategic Program Exploitation, integration and study of current and future health databases in Lombardia for Acute Myocardial Infarction . The main goal of the Program is the construction and statistical analysis of data coming from the integration of complex clinical and administrative databases concerning patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes treated in Lombardia Region. Clinical data sets arise from observational studies about specific diseases, while administrative data arise from standardized and on-going procedures of data collection. The linkage between clinical and administrative databases enables Lombardia Region to create an efficient global system for collecting and storing integrated longitudinal data, to check them, to guarantee for their quality and to study them from a statistical perspective.