CodiceQDD 42
TitoloThe Evaluation of American Options in a Stochastic Volatility Model with Jumps: a Finite Element Approach
Autore/iBallestra, L.V.; Sgarra, C.
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AbstractIn the present paper we consider the problem of pricing American options in the framework of a well-known stochastic volatility model with jumps, the Bates model. According to this model the asset price is assumed to follow a jump-diffusion equation in which the jump term consists of a Lévy process of compound Poisson type, while the volatility is modeled as a CIR-type process correlated with the asset price. In this model the American option valuation is reduced to a final-free-boundary-value partial integro-differential problem. Using a Richardson extrapolation technique this problem is reduced to a partial integro-differential problems with fixed boundary. Then the transformed problem is solved using an ad-hoc finite element method which efficiently combines an operator splitting technique with a non-uniform mesh of right-angled triangles. Numerical experiments are presented showing that the option pricing algorithm developed in this paper is very accurate and fast.