CodiceQDD 32
TitoloPositive solutions to critical growth biharmonic elliptic problems under Steklov boundary conditions
Autore/iGazzola, Filippo ; Pierotti, Dario
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PubblicatoNonlinear Analysis
AbstractWe study the fourth order nonlinear critical problem Delta^2u = u^{2^*-1} in the unit ball of R^n (n ge 5), subject to the Steklov boundary conditions u = Delta u-d u_{ nu}=0 on partial B. We provide the exact range of the parameter d for which this problem admits a positive (radial) solution. We also show that the solution is unique in this range and in the class of radially symmetric functions. Finally, we study the behavior of the solution when d tends to the extremals of this range. These results complement previous results in [3].