CodiceQDD 1
TitoloAnalysis Of The Methodology Adopted By The Italian Regulatory Authority For Identifying Major Event Days
Autore/iSalvati, S. ; Fumagalli, E. ; Lo Schiavo, L. ; Secchi, P.
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AbstractThe Italian regulatory mechanism for quality of service in electricity distribution links the tariff to the SAIDI indicator, net of contributions from exceptional events. In the year 2004 a two-step statistical methodology was introduced to identify major event days (MEDs). This statistical criterion defines a potential MED as a day with a daily CAIDI greater than the mean plus one standard deviation of the annual distribution of daily CAIDI for the relevant spatial unit, the territorial district; within this subset, a MED is a day with a daily SAIDI greater than the mean plus three standard deviations of the daily SAIDI distribution. A one year experience with this approach confirms its validity and suggests an alternative definition of the first step. The suggested definition is still based on a model-free statistical approach, but refers instead to percentiles. This modification would enhance the robustness of the method and enable to drop a currently necessary ex-post adjustment of the regulatory procedure.